Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunny Sunday Morning

This is the first nice weekend we've had in quite a few weeks. The weather all weekend has been sunny and in the 60s. Yesterday, Jeff and I went walking for about 3 miles. I was hoping to log more miles but had to get home so I could get ready for girls' night out. :)

It was nice not to dress in too many layers this morning. We walked around Bree's side of town and mapped out a pretty good route. It was definitely the most challenging walk we've done to date. We walked 7.6 miles which is the most we've walked at one time. The route also had some hills which was nice to get some cardio going for us. It was probably most like what we'll actually be doing during the real walk as far as traffic, inclines, paved paths, unpaved, etc......

I also learned some lessons today:

1. If we're walking over 6 miles at a time, I need to pack a snack.

2. I need to keep my big toe nails trimmed. My feet feel fine, but my nail rubbed a bit against my shoe.

3. Champion Sports Bras are the best! No rubbing or chaffing even with sweat..... I know that sounds weird, but you have to think about that when you're walking long distances.

4. I need to stretch more before, during, and after our walks. My quads are glutes are very tight. Partly because during Friday's Body Pump class I went down a little too far during squats.

5. People are really in a hurry on Sunday mornings and don't mind getting a little too close to pedestrians!!! Note to those drivers: God doesn't mind if you're a few minutes late to church.


  1. You're funny! I totally love Champion bras too! Keep those toe nails trimmed up girl! LOL

  2. We'll make you a shirt that says, "Pedestrians have the right of way. Always."
