Sunday, January 31, 2010

Frozen Buns

This morning I met Bree at 8:30 to go on a training walk together. We planned on being out about 2 hours; which is not long compared to what we'll be walking later. However, the temperature this morning was 31 degrees with a wind chill in the mid 20s.

We wore several layers of clothes and set off on our walk. It was cold, but after awhile we warmed up. It wasn't really that bad and we chatted the whole time. All in all, we logged 6 miles in two hours.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Walking with Bree

I'm not participating in this walk alone. I'm going to be walking with "my person", Bree. She and I have talked about doing this walk for several years. When I first mentioned it, I wasn't really in the physical shape I wanted to be in to do something like this. When she mentioned it as a goal, she had recently had her first child. Fast forward about 5 years............. Sixty pounds are gone from me and she now has 2 kids and 4 canine kids.

As you can imagine, her training schedule is going to be a lot more challenging than mine. I can basically walk out the door and walk whenever I want. So, this past Tuesday I told her we should walk together before going to body pump class at the gym. She explained that it wouldn't be relaxing and we wouldn't walk very far. I assured her this was fine and I could help wrangle the kids with her.

We left her house with Grayson ( age 5) on his bike and Sophia ( age 2) pushing her baby in a buggy. Well, it was evident pretty quickly that this was going to be a slow walk. Sophia kept pushing her buggy up in people's yards and driveways. On two separate occasions she lost control of the baby buggy and it went into the street as cars were coming. Bree had to stop traffic before the buggy and baby were flattened.

Needless to say, we walk .6 miles in 40 minutes. However, along the way we laughed a lot at the situation and ourselves. That's going to be very important when we're tired, have blisters on our feet, and don't think we can take another step. I'm so GLAD she's going on this journey with me.

1st week of training

Well, this week wrapped up the first week of training and fundraising. The first week was a great start for both. I met my goal of walking 20 miles and I've raised $825. The generosity of people has been overwhelming. That's what will be so great about this journey....seeing the kindness in others and paying it forward.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Journey Begins........

This whole blogging thing is completely new to me. I wanted a place to document the journey I'll be taking as I prepare for the 3 day walk. I'll be posting about training walks, progress with donations, and other fun tidbits.