Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 Miles!

I know that by the time I reach November, ten miles will seem like no biggie. However, today it feels like a great accomplishment! We completed our first ten mile walk today. Feeling great right hips are a little tight, but nothing painful. No signs of blisters or any chaffing.

We also had a pit stop at Einstein's Bagels. We sat for about 30 minutes, ate a snack, had a potty break, and then finished our walk. Plus, the weather today is gorgeous. Looking forward to adding to our miles in the coming weeks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winter Blast to end Spring Break!

Today Bree and I had planned to walk 10 miles and have a pit stop. On the actual walk, you walk about 4 to 5 miles and then have a pit stop. We're trying to get used to doing that as well. Yesterday was in the 30s all day and it's going to be cold again today. We've walked in the cold before; not a big deal. However, this morning I woke up to about 5 inches of snow on the ground.

I know I've walked in the snow before with Coda, but not 10 miles. So, I called Bree and we decided to postpone our first LONG walk until next week.

Over spring break, I did manage to walk most days even if it was only a few miles. The weather was nice and Coda enjoyed it too. So, I did log some miles. Tomorrow is supposed to be 65, so Jeff and I should be able to walk after work.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Singing in the Rain and some walking too....

This morning was overcast and dreary looking, but I set out to Bree's with a mindset to get in a long walk. The weather forecasters all said the rain would be in the afternoon and evening. As soon as we stepped out of Bree's garage, it started to sprinkle. Yep, it's raining. I shrugged it off and kept saying it'll move on or it's just a light sprinkle. For awhile it was a light sprinkle, then it started to pick up quite a bit. We weren't soaked but we definitely had wet spots on our clothes. I'm sure people driving by thought we were crazy. Not once did either of us ever say, "Hey, let's turn back." We just kept walking.

Today we stuck to neighborhoods and sidewalks that went along the major roads. We knew the mileage was still pretty accurate and we didn't have to worry about becoming road kill. Eight miles in the rain with Bree occasionally singing the "Rocky" theme when we went up hills = priceless.

Observations from our walk:

1. The road kill we saw today was brutal.

2. Packing a snack helped a lot!

3. We both need to invest in a poncho.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Miles Logged and Donation Update

Well, this week I didn't walk as many miles as I would've liked. I hurt my hip last Friday and it wasn't feeling back to normal until Wednesday. I only managed to walk 15 miles this week.

Donations have passed the $1,500 mark! I now need to raise less than $1,000 to reach my goal. People have been so generous with their donations!

Today was a beautiful day and nice temperatures. It looks like we might be done with our cold weather walks. Jeff got out and walked with me today. We logged 4 miles and about 500 calories burned. Tomorrow morning I'll be walking with Bree for our normal Sunday walk.