Monday, July 5, 2010

Branching Out

The last few weeks we've branched out a bit with our walking. Most people have just started training in the past month. The 3 Day sends you a virtual training schedule with the appropriate mileage that you should be walking. Well, because Bree and I started walking in January, we're way ahead of the game. That's good though because the heat slows me down quite a bit.

Well, training walks are now being posted on the message boards left and right. When Bree was in North Carolina, I met with a group and walked 5miles with them. It was very hot but it was good to walk with some veteran walkers. Several of the ladies have done the walk before. So I got to pick their brains for tips and tricks.

Last Saturday, I walked again with the same group of people. We added on an additional mile and there was some light drizzle. I found out that they're all on a team and have trained together before. One of them is a doctor and another lady is an ER nurse. If something were to happen, they'd be good people to know on the walk.

Yesterday morning Bree and I started off our 4th of July with an early morning walk. She found a training walk over on her side of town. We walked from her house to the park where we were meeting everyone. The training walk was only 4 miles and at this point that's a leisurely stroll for us. Our extra walk added on 5 miles, so we ended up walking 9 miles yesterday. We finished in 3 hours which is our normal pace.

Observation from July 4th walk:

Reminded once again that it's a WALK, not a race.

I think it might be time for some new shoes~

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! Yes...knowing a nurse and doctor is a PLUS!
    New shoes??? I just bought a new pair from the NIKE outlet in Allen! I love them.

    Keep up the good work!!! You know I'm your biggest fan!
