Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soggy Sunday

Last night it rained all night and into the early morning. I was really hoping it would stop so we could get in our miles today. I still haven't invested in a poncho and didn't really want to hold an umbrella the whole time. Luckily by the time we were ready to leave, the rain had moved on. It was still damp, but nice and cool without being muggy.

We added on an additional loop today in order to up our mileage. We walked a total of 12 miles. It took us just a little over 3 hours; which I thought was a pretty good pace. We made our usual pit stop at Starbucks.

The added 2 miles was nothin'. We talked the miles away like usual. I'm very fortunate that Bree knows me so well and understands/accepts me for me. I'm not a morning person. So it takes a few minutes into our walk before I open my mouth. She never questions me or asks me what's wrong. She might be wondering how long it will be before I start communicating like a "normal" person, but she never says anything. I really appreciate her tolerance of that personality quirk. Love ya, Bree.


  1. Bree probably enjoys the quietness in the morning. She does know you very well and I'm glad the two of you are walking buddies. Not only will it be an memorable experience to RACE together, but just preparing for the journey seems to be a memory that you're making as well.
    If your up to 12 miles...that's GREAT!

  2. I am her I get her. Part of the wonderfulness of our friendship. She is like a fine wine....she just needs a bit of air and time and the outcome is warmth and bliss. LOL!!! I love her to pieces and I get it, I am a morning person and my peppy attitude can be annoying.
