Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm a walkin' fool

This weekend was filled with walks. When I wasn't doing a "training walk", I was still walking. Yesterday morning, Bree and I got in another 10 mile walk. This time our pit stop was at Barnes and Noble. We browsed through the books for a few minutes and then got a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Once I got home Jeff and I decided to head down to Dallas. We had lunch at a great vegan cafe and then went to the farmers' market. It's been awhile since we've been there and it was a nice way to spend an afternoon. We got some yummy fruits and veggies, met a nice rancher to buy meat from, bought some new flowers, and you guessed it WALKED all over the place.

This morning I went walking with Coda for a nice, leisurely 3 miles. She was a good girl as usual. Later in the day Jeff and I went walking for an additional 3 miles. We plan on walking tomorrow after work as well. He's really trying to walk with me as much as possible during the week.

Miles walked this weekend: 16


  1. Hey girl...that's GREAT!!!! You'll be so ready for the 3-Day, that it won't even bother you. You'll be wanting to walk MORE! ha
