Sunday, March 7, 2010

Singing in the Rain and some walking too....

This morning was overcast and dreary looking, but I set out to Bree's with a mindset to get in a long walk. The weather forecasters all said the rain would be in the afternoon and evening. As soon as we stepped out of Bree's garage, it started to sprinkle. Yep, it's raining. I shrugged it off and kept saying it'll move on or it's just a light sprinkle. For awhile it was a light sprinkle, then it started to pick up quite a bit. We weren't soaked but we definitely had wet spots on our clothes. I'm sure people driving by thought we were crazy. Not once did either of us ever say, "Hey, let's turn back." We just kept walking.

Today we stuck to neighborhoods and sidewalks that went along the major roads. We knew the mileage was still pretty accurate and we didn't have to worry about becoming road kill. Eight miles in the rain with Bree occasionally singing the "Rocky" theme when we went up hills = priceless.

Observations from our walk:

1. The road kill we saw today was brutal.

2. Packing a snack helped a lot!

3. We both need to invest in a poncho.


  1. I will keep singing that ROCKY song.... I think it is better than PANTS ON THE GROUND.....LOL

  2. Now I know what to get you...a bright yellow/orange poncho!
    I love running in a light sprinkle (when it is warm), but heavy rain and getting soaked isn't too much fun (especially when you're going a long distance).
    I agree with Bree...the Rocky theme song totally "fits" you two in training!!! I love it.
